Network+ for a Resume Advantage?
I did a little bit of OS training in the Google program last night. My mom came to town so I didn’t have enough time to update the blog and get 6 hours of sleep… I decided today that I should work towards getting an industry recognized certification. After some debate I decided on the Network+ as a starter. The Google IT Support Professional feels as though it will give me a good enough base understanding of the industry. I am keeping in mind that I would like to transition to cybersec when possible. So I elected to go for Network+ with Security+ next in the queue. I covered the first 3 lessons today in Comptia’s Self Study Guide. The OSI model, deploying ethernet cables and switches were covered in these lessons. I have the CertMaster practice tool available as well, however Comptia’s site is not displaying it. I am finding the support is lackluster from their site. Hopefully I have access to it this weekend to test my knowledge.